In the field of optical communications, many devices have similar functions, such as GBIC vs media converter. They can be considered as the equipment for photoelectric conversion. But do you know their corresponding operating principles? How can the optical transceiver be used in conjunction with the media converter? In this article we are going to […]
Network Media Conversion
Managed Media Converter and Unmanaged Media Converter Basics
As is known to all, fiber media converter is a simple networking device which can connect two dissimilar media types such as twisted pair cable with fiber optic cable. And it can support many different data communication protocols including Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, etc. According to the network to points, media converters can be […]
Applications of Ethernet to Fiber Media Converter
The copper-based Ethernet network has limited data transmission distance of 100 meters when using unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable. Besides, this network link is very likely to be influenced by EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) which can cause the network corruption. So how to solve these two troubles? Now this tutorial will introduce Ethernet to fiber media […]
Media Converter Basics
While fiber optic technology has been developed and deployed in telecommunications for many years, network complexity still exists within the Local Area Network (LAN), accompanied by users’ increasing demands for higher network speeds and greater bandwidth. Media converters can just provide solutions for those problems by utilizing fiber when it is needed and integrating new […]
OEO Converter in Fiber Optic Broadband Access Networks
OEO (Optical-to-Electrical-to-Optical) PON Repeater Reach Extension Converting the optical signals back into the electrical domain for regeneration avoids many of the cost and technology issues of all optical reach extension. The primary drawback, is the lack of upgrade flexibility since the repeater must be implemented to operate at the bit rates of the PON. OEO […]
XD_RS232 Networks And Serial Over Ethernet
One approach to minimizing the risk of site isolation or cluster partitioning is to define as many networks as necessary to eliminate single points of failure. It is easier to implement serial networks in a local cluster by using the use of a null modem cable for an RS232 network or a disk heartbeating network […]