In order to meet the growing demand of communication efficiency, we always apply optical circulator in a fiber optic system because the optical circulator minimizes the loss of light. An optical circulator is a device used in optical communications systems, which can be used to separate optical signals that travel in opposite directions in an […]
passive optical network
Passive Optical Components – Optical Circulator
Introduction Optical Circulators are microoptic devices and can be made with any number of ports but 3 and 4 port versions are most common. Also, it is common to build an asymmetric version where the last port does not circulate around to the first. While this saves some cost this is not the most important […]
Viable Alternative for Next Generation FTTH – WDM-PON
Introduction In recent years, most of the FTTH deployments have been based on industry standard technologies such as Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GEPON) and Gigabit PON (GPON). The success of these deployments has led to significant innovation in both system architecture and the components that are used to build these systems, and the next […]
Passive and Active Network Fundamentals
Today we have access to more information than ever before. We live in a digital world and bandwidth is what makes a digital world happen. Aging copper networks are being taxed by residential and business customers. However, Passive Optical Network (PON) such as Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) are increasingly being deployed to meet the current and future […]
Passive Optical Network Overview
A Passive Optical Network (PON) is illustrated schematically in the figure below. A feeder fiber from the Central Office (CO) runs to a Remote Node (RN), which houses a passive optical power splitterkombiner. From there, around 32 fibers branch out to the subscribers. If these fibers extend all the way to the homes (H), as […]
A PON Based on Code-division Multiplexing Access
Because of the Internet and broadband networks were introduced, the emerging applications – such as teleconferencing, video on demand, and high quality audio transmission has strict high flux optical access network quality of service (QoS) capabilities. However, the infrastructure of current access networks suffers from limited bandwidth, high network-management costs, poor flexibility, and low security, […]