OEO (Optical-to-Electrical-to-Optical) PON Repeater Reach Extension Converting the optical signals back into the electrical domain for regeneration avoids many of the cost and technology issues of all optical reach extension. The primary drawback, is the lack of upgrade flexibility since the repeater must be implemented to operate at the bit rates of the PON. OEO […]
OEO Transponder
Buy Cost Effective CWDM Fiber Optic Products
Buy Cost Effective CWDM Fiber Optic Products The use of fiber optic cables for communication has opened up gates for communication multiplexing technologies that maximize the capabilities at minimum costs. CWDM(Coarse wavelength division multiplexing), modulates different wavelength laser beams with multiple signals. In effect, this means maximized use of a single optical fiber to transmit […]
About Optical Transponder
The current invention relates generally to computer-based industrial control systems, such as microprocessor control of digital and analog functionality, and much more particularly relates to methods and apparatus for calibrating, monitoring, andcontrolling an optical transponder. Methods and apparatus are supplied in accordance with the present invention in which a control mechanism, such as for instance, […]