Introduced several years ago, MPO connectors are now widely used around the world. They are designed to reduce the amount of time required for fusion splicing individual connectors. Combining lots of fibers in one connector, the MPO connector not only greatly reduces the time of connecting fibers, but also saves a lot of space. This […]
MTP/MPO Connector
40G Ethernet Migration Strategy Over Multimode Fiber
With the increasing network bandwidth to meet the global IP traffic demand, there will be a need to upgrade to 40G Ethernet links for switch to server and storage area network connections in data centers. And the biggest market for 40G Ethernet (40 GbE) is in data centers for interconnection links with servers and storage […]
The Ribbon Fiber Optic Cable Options for Local Area Networks and Data Centers
Background Local Area Network (LAN) campus and building backbones as well as Data Center backbones are migrating to higher cabled fiber counts to meet increasing system bandwidth needs. In many cases, Ribbon Fiber Cables are now being deployed to meet this need, as they provide the highest fiber density relative to cable size, maximize use […]