As optical signals travel through an optical fiber, they are attenuated. In long-haul applications, the signal is attenuated to the point where re-amplification is required. Traditionally, a device commonly referred to as a repeater accomplished this re-amplification. A repeater is basically a receiver and transmitter combined in one package. The receiver converts the incoming optical […]
Optical Amplifier
Fiberstore Updates Two New Types in DWDM System Amplifiers Category
Dec. 25th, Shenzhen, Fiberstore News – This week, Fiberstore is going to introduce a new update of product types in DWDM system amplifiers category. These two new types including Raman Fiber Amplifiers (RFA) and Inter-stage DCM supported EDFA Amplifiers will be good choice for your amplifier requirements. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) and Raman Amplifier are the most common type […]
Advanced Optical Components – Raman Fiber Amplifier (RFA)
Mostly, all optical amplifiers are used in optical communication. Generally, Brillouin type amplifier is not used in optical communication. For a particular use, the decision has to be made about which amplifier to be used. The EDFA amplifier is used in-line amplifier on account of its compatibility. On the other hand, Raman Fiber Amplifier (RFA) […]
Advanced Optical Components – Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)
Many fiber optic applications, such as long-haul DWDM systems, require amplification of the optical signal. In the past, this entailed using expensive electronic repeaters at intermediate points every 100 km. Today’s modern long-haul DWDM systems use several advanced optical components to replace multiple repeaters with a single optical device. These optical devices which are called […]
Optical Amplifiers have Revolutionized the Long-distance Fiber Optic Communications
In situations wherein the primary issue is loss, optical amplifiers can indeed be used to amplify the signals without conversion into the electrical domain. Such Optical Amplifiers have truly revolutionized long-distance fiber optic communications. The purpose of an optical amplifier is to restore the signal power level, reduced due to losses during propagation, without any […]
Three Common System Applications of Optical Amplifiers
Optical amplifiers can be used at many points in a communication link for several system applications. Three common applications of optical amplifiers are power boosters (of transmitters), in-line amplifiers, and optical pre-amplifiers. The booster (power) amplifiers are placed at the optical transmitter side to enhance the transmitted power level or to compensate for the losses […]