400G QSFP has become one of the most popular form factors in the next-generation network. And different types of modules have appeared in the 400G optical transceiver market. What are 400G QSFP-DD transceiver types? What fiber cables could be used with these 400G optical modules? What about the answers to frequently asked questions about 400G […]
Fiber Optic Network
How Much Do You Know About QSFP56?
Over the past years, there have emerged various optical module form factor types with the growth of new technology and high-speed interconnects, among which QSFP56, as a member of the QSFP family, is a solution for 200G applications. What‘s the difference between QSFP56 with other QSFP family form factors? Is QSFP56 the same as QSFP56-DD? […]
Differences Between QSFP-DD and QSFP+ / QSFP28 / QSFP56 / OSFP / CFP8 / COBO
QSFP-DD, as the smallest form factor for 400G transceivers, offers industry’s highest bandwidth density while leveraging the backward compatibility to lower-speed QSFP pluggable modules and cables, making it popular among the fiber optic manufacturers. As the newest hot type of optical transceivers in 400G high-speed applications, QSFP-DD is often compared with other modules such as […]
Infographic – Types of 400G Transceivers
With the tremendous requirement for high bandwidth in 5G, loT and cloud data center, the focus on 400G Ethernet has been lasting for several years. As the key hardware devices for optical network interconnection, 400G transceivers have also become the mainstream of the industry. The following is a brief introduction to the types of 400G transceivers. Infographic […]
400G Transceiver, DAC, or AOC: How to Choose?
Due to the increasing growth in the demand for data centers and cloud computing, enterprises are eager for data centers with higher speed, larger bandwidth, and lower latency. In this case, 400G Ethernet has become an inevitable trend in data centers. With the advent of 400G technology, there are typically two options for 400G data […]
Why Choose FS Optics for 400G Deployment?
The increase in global data traffic has fostered the development of optical devices, which has led to data centers facing increasing challenges in cloud access, processing power, storage, and transmission bandwidth. Because of this, the 400G transceiver market is growing rapidly, and the choices of general optical modules are gradually diversifying. Customers also have many […]